“Raining in Baltimore”

Baltimore, Maryland March 22 – March 28, 2022

And rain it did. We arrived south of Baltimore on Tuesday and planned to take the train into DC on Wednesday. However, we had some truck issues and had to take care of repairs and were unable to make the trip – Next time.

On Friday, we left the camper at the RV park and Ziva at Paradise for Pets and headed into Baltimore for the reunion. We met Srikar, Madhavi, Kevin, Marilou and Adam, Friday afternoon at a beer garden before our awesome dinner at Phillips Seafood right on the Inner Harbor.

View of Inner Harbor from the hotel
Kevin, Steve and Srikar
Me, Kevin, Steve, Srikar, Marilou, and Madhavi
Everyone at Phillips Seafood

Saturday we had lunch on campus with all of the reunion classes, then headed over to the stadium for the big lacrosse game, and ended the evening with dinner on campus. Hopkins beat Michigan for homecoming, so that was great. Right at the end of the game, it started raining and the rain turned into flurries. It was very cold, but we had an awesome time and cannot wait to visit with everyone on our travels.

baltimore reunion
baltimore reunion one
baltimore reunion two

Top picture, Srikar and Madhavi. Middle Picture, Susan and Dan, Bottom picture (me and Steve)

The game
The game
I did watch the game – I was only checking the Auburn softball score for a second!
Not Aubie – but still cute!
Phil, Dave, Laura , Cindy, Srikar, Dan, Kevin, Steve, Adam, Andy, and Paco (Steve and his class)

“Raining in Baltimore” by the Counting Crows

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One Response to “Raining in Baltimore”

  1. Julia says:

    Thanks for the Baltimore tips. I have to tell you, we had THE BEST time. I’ve never met such friendly people. Everywhere we went, people wanted to help us. We definitely had some adventures and made a few good restaurant discoveries – as well as walked ourselves silly. Really enjoyed Fell’s Point and would have loved to spend more time there. I told John we’ll have to get to a baseball game at Camden.

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